Flower meadow at Dyckerhoff Polska
In June this year, another pro-environmental project was implemented at the cement plant in Nowiny. Surrounded by picturesque views of the unexploited Zgórsko Quarry, a flower meadow was sown and lavender flowers were planted. The event was attended by members of the Supervisory Board together with the Management Board and employees of Dyckerhoff Polska representing the following departments: accounting, controlling, finance, debt collection, human resources, Management Board secretariat, as well as sustainable development. 33 people came out of their offices and got involved in this pro-ecological action!
On a specially prepared soil bed with an area of approximately 3000 m2, flower mixtures with high honey and pollen efficiency were sown. Among the sown plants were: field poppy, white mustard, flax, narrow-leafed lupine, yellow sweet clover, cornflower, purple coneflower, mixed garden bellflower, clary sage, common chamomile, chamomile and many other species. A traditional Polish meadow was created, which is characterized by long flowering and will shimmer with colors and please the eye for many years.
An important aspect of the creation of a floral carpet is the enhancement of biodiversity of the surrounding area. This is because the floral meadow is home to many species of insects, rodents, which promotes habitat for birds and other animals. Floral diversity promotes the population of wild pollinators such as honeybees, butterflies, beetles, wasps, hornets, ladybugs and many other insects.
A flower meadow brings numerous benefits to the environment and society. In addition to its aesthetic value, it improves the microclimate, increases water retention in the soil and helps reduce the negative effects of climate change. This activity fosters a sense of environmental care within the company, but also teamwork and community involvement among employees.
Each of us can sow our own flower meadow. We encourage you to sow flower meadows in balcony pots or in home gardens. In our educational activities, we encourage everyone to manage water rationally and use solutions that can help save water and use it for other, more important purposes. We should all respect and save the highest quality drinking water. This is of great importance during droughts. So, let's plant flower meadows instead of lawns - it is a great benefit for us and the environment!