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Geography lesson at the cement plant
Geography lesson at the cement plant
05 June 2023

Geography lesson at the cement plant

An interesting example of cooperation between cement plant and the local community is the visit at Dyckerhoff Polska students and teachers of the “Włodzimierz Leonard Lubański Secondary School of the Sports Championship” from Nowiny and organize a geography lesson at the cement plant. Participants of the visit, under the supervision of representatives of the Sustainable Development and Occupational Health and Safety departments, had the opportunity to visit the production plant, the central control room, as well as a modern laboratory located in Nowiny plant, where every stage of production as well as the materials like raw materials and fuels, used in process, are constantly monitored. During the visit, mandatory stops were ball mills for grinding raw materials and rotary kilns for burning clinker.

The scale of use alternative fuels in our process turned out to be a very interesting topic for our footballers. Alternative fuels are high-calorie, flammable fractions of municipal waste, limiting the use of hard coal in the clinker production process. Thanks to this, waste fractions do not end up in landfills, where they would emit one of the most environmentally harmful gases - methane, which would also be a source of problems for decades to come. At the same time, the emission from AF of fewer pollutants is lower than in the case of hard coal. Students learned that the plant is not a typical waste incinerator, because the wastes are specially selected, processed and used in the form of an alternative fuel to obtain the very high temperature necessary to burn clinker - the main component of cement.

After learning about the technological process  as a "live", the participants listened to a presentation "Dyckerhoff Polska - Transformations over the years", which took place in a modern training room of the occupational health and safety department.

We are waiting for the next on site lesson of our local footballers at Dyckerhoff Polska Sp. z o. o.!